In Betio harbour you can see some of the japanese wrecks from 1943.

Monument of the 22 unarmed english soldiers that the japanese murded 1942.

Even on Kiribati, not many people knows, that the sportsground in Betio in fact is a remaining part of an old airstrip the americans build during WWII.

Today some of the old japanese bunkers are playinggrounds for children.

Efter tre dagars letande, hittade vi till slut det amerikanska minnesmonumentet över slaget på Tarawa 1943. På vår karta var den utsatt som stående strax utanför idrottsplatsen, men då man byggt en ny sådan hamnade den innanför området.
After three days searching we finally found the american monument of the battle of Tarawa 1943. On our map it was situated just outside the sportsground but for some years ago they extended the sportsground and now it is situated inside.
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