Abaiang, two hours away by boat from Tarawa. Here is no hotels so we are going to stay in one hut belonging to the goverment representative on the island.

Highdens populated south Tarawa, main town is Betio. Here you can find old cannons and wreck from second world war. Here was the big battle of Tarawa between japanese occupants and american soldiers November 1943 who resulted in 5500 killed people.

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Kiribati, pronounced Kiri-bass, is roughfly located between Hawaii and New Guinea. Earlier name was Gilbert, Phoneix and Line Islands. The nation is very big, from west to east it is almost long as the distance between Los Angeles and New York! But most of the area is the sea (3.5 million squarekilometers), the 33 atolls areal (21 are inhabited) is only 810 squarekilometers. The nation has a population around 100000 citizens, a third of them lives on south Tarawa, the main island. Most famous is Christmas island or Kiritimati where tourist fly direct from Hawaii. We are not going there, we will visit Tarawa and Abaiang. We are flying to Tarawa with Air Pacific from Fiji. You can study our flightbookings by following the links on top to the right of the blog.
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